Něco extra s Picardem

Extras, seriál z r. 2005 z produkce BBC o statistech; v každém díle se objeví host (guest star), např. v pilotu byl Ben Stiller a v šesté epizodě pro změnu Patrick Stewart.


Ep. "Šestá epizoda" (1. sez.)

Patrick Stewart: "I will "Make It So.". You've seen "Star Trek: The Next Generation?"
Andy Millman: "I haven't, no."
Patrick Stewart: "Why? Your wife won't let you have it on?"
Andy Millman: "I'm not married."
Patrick Stewart: "Oh, your girlfriend then?"
Andy Millman: "I haven't got a girlfriend either. I live alone."
Patrick Stewart: "You're not married, you haven't got a girlfriend... and you've never watched "Star Trek?"
Andy Millman: "No."
Patrick Stewart: "Good Lord..."

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